DEB repository

This guide will show you how to install the GoodAccess Client Application using the GoodAccess DEB repository.

Step 1 - Adding the repository to the OS

Add the GoodAccess repository to the OS using the following script.

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/goodaccess.list

Step 2 - Adding the GPG public key to the OS

Add the GPG public key to the OS using the following script.

Used to validate packages from our repository.

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/goodaccess.gpg

Step 3 - Updating the list of packages from all repositories

Update the list of packages from all repositories using the following script.

sudo apt update

Step 4 - Installing the "goodaccess" client package

Install the "goodaccess" client package using the following script.

The installer also installs missing dependencies (libc6, libstdc++, iputils-ping, dmidecode).

sudo apt install goodaccess

You have now successfully installed the GoodAccess Client Application.

If you are experiencing problems:

Last updated