Microsoft Entra ID

This guide will show you how to integrate GoodAccess with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) SSO/SCIM.

This feature is available in the Premium plan and higher.

Remember to grant your Azure users access permissions to GoodAccess. Users without them won't be able to log in.

Step 1 - Adding a new identity provider

Log in to the GoodAccess Control Panel, and go to Settings > SSO & MFA.

Click + Add provider, enter the Provider name, choose your Identity Provider, and click Continue.

Step 2 - Setting up Single Sign-On with SAML

Log in to Azure Portal, and go to Enterprise applications (you can use the searchbar).

Click + New application, and + Create your own application.

Give the application a name, choose Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery), and click Create.

In your new application go to Single Sign-On > SAML.

1. Basic SAML Configuration

Click Edit to open Basic SAML Configuration.

Copy the details from GoodAccess - (2) GoodAccess links.

  • Identifier - Entity ID

  • Reply URL - Assertion Consumer Service URL

  • Sign on URL - Login URL

  • Relay State - Relay State

Return to GoodAccess, and click Continue.

Return to Azure, and click Save.

2. Attributes & Claims

Click Edit to open Attributes & Claims.

Under the Additional claims section click on the record with the value user.mail and edit it as follows:

  • Name - "email" (without quotes)

  • Namespace - Delete pre-filled URL

Click Save.

Then, still in the Additional claims section click on the record with the value user.userprincipalname and edit it as follows:

  • Name - "name" (without quotes)

  • Namespace - Delete pre-filled URL

Don't forget to Save.

3. SAML Certificates

Download the Certificate (Base64), and open it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad).

4. Set up GoodAccess

Copy the details to GoodAccess - (3) Identity Provider links, and click Continue.

  • Sign in URL - Login URL

  • Entity ID - Microsoft Entra ID Identifier

  • X509 signing certificate - Copy the certificate from the text editor

If you don't want to setup SCIM, skip the next step in GoodAccess, and click Submit to finish the configuration.

You have now successfully set up your Azure SSO with GoodAccess.

Step 3 (optional) - Setting up SCIM

In the application, go to Provisioning > Provisioning, and set Provisioning mode to Automatic.

Expand Admin Credentials, and copy the URL and Token from GoodAccess - (4) User provisioning (SCIM).

Return to GoodAccess, and click Submit.

Return to Azure, and click Test Connection, and Save to confirm your settings.

1. Attribute Mapping

Open Mappings, and select Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users.

Here, make sure that only the following four attributes are listed:

  • userName

  • active

  • displayName

  • externalId

If there are other attributes except these four, Delete them to prevent provisioning issues.

Don't forget to Save.

2. (optional) Removing groups from provisioning

Open Mappings, and select Provision Microsoft Entra ID Groups.

Switch the Enabled button to No, and click Save.

3. Starting the provisioning

During Provisioning on demand, delays may occur when 2 or more user accounts are created in GoodAccess. The delay may be long enough to cause timeout errors in Azure, but the provisioning will still be completed correctly.

Go to Overview, and click Start provisioning.

The whole provisioning process will take around 20 minutes to complete depending on the amount of members and groups being added.

You have now successfully set up Azure SCIM with GoodAccess.

Step 4 - Managing user access

In the application, go to Users and groups, and click + Add user/group.

Choose who should have access, and click Assign.

Last updated