DNS Management

Manage custom DNS records for your Team.

You may set up DNS Management in Control Panel > Settings > Threat Blocker & DNS.

Custom Domain Names for your Systems

Set up custom private DNS records for your Systems. You can configure custom addresses for Systems on your LAN or assign names to Systems with custom IP addresses.

To set up custom private DNS records, click the + Add custom domain button.

Don't forget to Save changes.

Custom Zone Forwarding

Set up forwarding of DNS request for your private or public DNS zone. Specify zone name and IP addresses of your resolvers that handle DNS queries to a given DNS zone. These resolvers can be public or private and located in a connected Cloud & Branch network.

To set up custom zone forwarding, click the + Add custom zone forwarding button.

Don't forget to Save changes.

DNS Servers

By default, GoodAccess DNS servers are enabled. Disabling them will cause your Team to use public DNS servers (Google) when connected to the GoodAccess Gateway.

Custom DNS Servers

Set up custom DNS servers your Team will use when connected to the GoodAccess Gateway.

Please note: Disabling GoodAccess or using Custom DNS servers also disables Threat Blocker, Custom Domain Blocking, Custom Domain Names and Custom Zone Forwarding.

Don't forget to Save changes.

Last updated

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